'Be Real'..., 2023 – ongoing. Laser engraved mirrored glass, electroluminescence, wires, dimensions variable.
'Be Real'... reflects on the tropes of self-reflection, or on how we reflect. The series plays with mirror as a selfie we cannot freeze; real-time reflection, offering a dynamic tapestry of contemplative engagement. Challenging the liberal notion of 'be yourself,' which often encourages stagnation and conformity to conditioned desires and thoughts, true liberation is found in the capacity to evolve into something new and different.
Informed by the profound discourse articulated in Sarah Schulman's "Conflict Is Not Abuse" (2014), the project meticulously navigates the intricate interplay between self-reflection, conflict resolution, personal evolution, and communal responsibility. Inspiring a meta-reflection on our notions of self-awareness, the artwork initiates an exploration into the complex intersections within societal frameworks. It encourages a deeper examination of the accuracy of our self-assessments, urging confrontation of our participation in the personal as a precursor to engagement in larger societal efforts — a ripple effect where personal transformation contributes to collective liberation.
Irregular mirror shapes, in the guise of exclamation bubbles and nebulous thought clouds convey a sense of energy, intricately engraved with fragments of critical prose. This curated textual lexicon invites a discourse infused with irony, suggestion, and critique, fostering a narrative that resonates beyond the mere visuality of the medium.
Let it go, from the series 'Be Real'..., 2024. Laser engraved mirrored glass, electroluminescence, wires, 82cm x 66cm x 2cm.
YOU ARE THE MEME, from the series 'Be Real'..., 2024. Laser engraved mirrored glass, electroluminescence, wires, 56cm x 40cm x 2cm. (detail)
blin blin blin blam, from the series 'Be Real'..., 2024. Laser engraved mirrored glass, electroluminescence, wires, 60cm x 50cm x 2cm.
Nothing Wrong, from the series 'Be Real'..., 2024. Laser engraved mirrored glass, electroluminescence, wires, 54cm x 40cm x 2cm. (detail)
'Be Real'..., 2024. Laser engraved mirrored glass, electroluminescence, wires, dimensions variable.Installation view, Arco Madrid 2024, featured in the section 'the shore, the tide, the current: an oceanic Caribbean' curated by Carla Acevedo-Yates and Sarah Herman.
Nothing Wrong, from the series 'Be Real'..., 2024. Laser engraved mirrored glass, electroluminescence, wires, 54cm x 40cm x 2cm. Installation view, Arco Madrid 2024.
YOU ARE THE MEME, from the series 'Be Real'..., 2024. Laser engraved mirrored glass, electroluminescence, wires, 56cm x 40cm x 2cm. Installation view, Arco Madrid 2024.
I, from the series 'Be Real'..., 2023. Slightly intervened mirrored glass, electroluminescence, wires, 34.58 x 51.24 x 2cm.
Advisor: Enityaset Rodríguez-Santos.
Gabriella Torres-Ferrer © 2024